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Going Green

Baby Wipes
1/2 roll of papertowels (cut roll in half and remove center cardboard)
1/8 cup baby shampoo
1/8 cup baby oil
2 cups lukewarm water
plastic storage container
In container mix liquid ingrediants and place paper towels.  Put on lid and store upside down.

Bath Salts
1.5 cups Epsom salt
1.5 cups sea salt
15-24 drops of essential oil
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Place salt mix in bowl, add veg oil and mix well.  Add essential oil and mix well.  Store in a jar with a tight fitting lid.

Cleaning Solutions   
Mix in a spray bottle equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide, then add 1 or 2 capfuls of white vinager. Can be used on car seats, rugs, vinyl, showers, tubs, etc.
Spray and leave set on for 5-10 minutes then wipe down.

Dish Soap
2 cups of soap flakes
1 gallon of warm water
2 tablespoons of glycerin (optional)
1/2 cup of lemon juice or white vinegar
A few drops of essential oils for scent, if desired

Combine your soap flakes and water in a large non-reactive pan. Over low heat, warm the mixture, stirring frequently, until the soap is completely dissolved. Add the glycerin and stir; remove from heat. Allow the soap to cool slightly and add the lemon juice and essential oils (optional). Mix thoroughly to combine. Pour your liquid dish soap into squeeze bottles or other containers.

Dishwasher Detergent
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Plastic storage container
Add equal parts of the Borax and baking soda to container mix well.  Use 2 tbsp of mix per load of dishes, and 1/2 cup of white vinegar.

Glass Cleaner
In a spray bottle mix equal parts white vinegar and water.

Laundry Detergent
Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer)
Borax (20 mule team)
Bar of soap (shredded)
Liquid fabric softener
To 3 gallons of water add 1 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup Borax and 1 cup liquid fabric softner.
On stove bring 4 cups of water to a boil and add shredded bar of soap.  Reduce to simmer, when soap dissolveds add to the above mix
Stir, cover with lid and let sit for 24 hours before using.  Use 1 cup per load of laundry.